Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 35 - Fish Executioner Fax Friday

Hua-yu was notified she had a fax in front and came up to receive the following:

The one on the left is covered with a sheet with a toe tag.  I'm not visually very creative...

And here's the fax:


  1. what exactly does this mean? haha... a squid is killing all the fish?

  2. Hua-Yu killed her first betta fish (it was a brutal kill)! Sheis the known fish killer! That is also why she got twooey :) And he is still alive!!! YAY

  3. I'm not the most visually talented person... The shot on the left is supposed to be the fish covered with a sheet with a toe tag on his fin. Then the left is the chalk outline from where he lay.
