Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 30 - Mousing Around

Day 29 - Lights Out

A simple one.  Throughout the day, at least five separate people turned off her light, some more than once.  Ranged from turning it off as leaving after conversing, knocking, sticking a hand in, turning it off and closing the door to simply turning it off while she was out of the office.  One entrepreneurial soul even turned off the kitchen light on her.

For some reason this title makes me think of "heads down, thumbs up," so here is some enjoyable reading for you:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 28 - Side Chair Color Change

I had to be out of the office this morning, so I came in last night to get some work completed.  As long as I was there, I decided to get Wednesday's Fun with Hua-yu task out of the way. 

A number of us got new chairs at the same time for our offices.  Each person got a desk chair and two side chairs in one of several colors.  Hua-yu got grey.  HEN 3 was actually the only person who got blue.  HEN 3 was out on vacation, so I switched the side chairs in their two offices.

Hua-yu's Original Side Chairs

HEN 3's Original Side Chairs
Hua-yu's Office Before
HEN 3's Office Before

Hua-yu's Office After

HEN 3's Office After

At this point, there was a debate over whether I should switch the desk chairs as well.  My reasoning for just doing the side chairs is I thought it would take her longer to notice.  HEN 3 noticed immediately on seeing a picture of her office and thought that Hua-yu would notice regardless of what I did.  I decided that given the argument that it might take her longer to notice plus the fact that changing desk chairs could impact productivity, I would just do the side chairs.

Hua-yu did not notice.  At all.  Then HEN 1 couldn't stand it anymore and gave her a hint to sit and think about it.  Hua-yu asked what we'd done to her chair and after getting the answer of nothing, finally looked around enough to notice the chairs!  This was in the late afternoon!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 27 - Morning Desk Greeting

This morning found me sitting under Hua-yu's desk for about five minutes. I was hoping she would come in during the time it took me to eat a cupcake (thank you HEN 1) and read some emails and I was in luck!

I actually purposefully set out to not scare her, or at least scare her as little as possible, so when she came in, I simply stuck my head out and softly said, "hi" when she turned the corner to her desk. Still resulted in her screaming at top volume and spilling part of a glass of water!

She took a picture of me then:

And of some of the water:

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Day 26 - Bruise Blame Game

I have a bruise on my arm:

It looks kind if like The Scream up-close:

The game of the day was a mix of actually telling people that Hua-yu did it (it was amazing how easily this was believed. I think I clinched it was comments about how I must have low iron. Somehow this sold the deal) and making her think I had told more people than I actually had.

PS no, Hua-yu did not actually cause this bruise.

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Day 25 - Fish Cleaning

You may remember #2 from previous days.  Well, today's was a simple one.  I cleaned his bowl.  Failed to take any before pictures for some reason though, so maybe I should have come up with something else.  Oh well!

He was very active post the change.  Not sure if it was the raised water level, increased oxygenation or just the absence of filth, but Twoey (seems to be the name Hua-yu is settling on) seems happy.

I must have had more Catholic exposure than I thought, because I apparently associate Fridays with fish.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 24 - Drink Backfire

So, Hua-yu has been trying to make me healthy for a while.  And by healthy, I mean very minor things.  Like walk a few steps or only drink one Dr. Pepper a day.  Really quite reasonable things.  Sleep continuous hours, ya know...

Well, this week we somehow got off to the idea of not drinking any Dr. Pepper for the full week which was going swimmingly until this morning when I was having ice cream cake for breakfast (this probably deserves a comment, but I'm going to overlook it) and just felt compelled to have a Dr. Pepper.  I buzzed her and asked if making it half a week really was good progress and so I could have one.  Helper Elf Number 1 then giggled and decided I should have a Dr Pepper at all times she saw me for the rest of the day.

Hua-yu then ran into the kitchen to chastise me for my Dr. Pepper (despite my asking permission) and HEN 1 proceeded to get me a series of Dr. Pepper's until I had had three in the time we were in the kitchen.  We also told her I had already had one before she got there.
I had one in my office so I could be drinking one whenever she stopped by and I also appeared to drink a number at lunch.

Others supported by making comments to her about seeing me double fisting them and the like.  At the end, I believe we had her sold that I had consumed 15.
The backfiring?  None of them tasted right for some reason and whether or not it's related, I got a noxious headache.  argh.  I actually probably drank somewhere between two and three of them.  Definitely not wanting one today (i.e. there's even one sitting on my desk unopened from yesterday and I've felt no desire to reach for it).

Oops!  Nearly forget, it was in honor of junk food day!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 23 - Talk to the Chest

This was an unintentional one.  I stopped by her office early in the morning, just looking for inspiration, and Hua-yu was there.  Her shirt was somehow falling oddly which resulted in me talking to her chest rather than her face.  Decided to run with it and so did so all day including a company "cake day".  While a couple others did as well, I think she only noticed HEN 1. 

It was harder than I thought because she was wearing shorter heels than normal, so while she was standing it was awkward for me to talk to her chest.

Oh well!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 22 - Client/Directory Change

Simple, but effective.

I went in this mornign with the intent of doing one thing (which I shouldn't write in case I want to later) and instead founda nother idea.  I simply logged onto Hua-yu's computer, under my own account, opened a different directory in some industry specific software we use (to the client I'm currently working on in fact) and changed her printer settings to my printer.

Simple, but effective.

It helped that she didn't realize we could logon to any of the machines in the office, so was puzzled as to how I had done this!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 21 - Scent Exchange

Another switch/exchange.

Helper Elf Number 1 sells scentsy, so we all have a fair bit around here, including Hua-yu.

This is the scent pak she has in her office, the scent is French Lavender. I set off to switch the scent of it.

First step was to get two scent paks, one in the scent Hua-yu has been using and one in another random scent that HEN 1 had around.

These are filled with beads, so I set out to empty each of them as a first step.

I took a seam ripper to the hanging corner of the lavender one thinking it would be the easiest to close up since that is where it originally was done. I quickly learned a first lesson: if wanting to do things on two similar items where I will then use one, try the "other" first.

Almost every step resulted in me figuring out a better way to do the second one. Main negative with my original opening is that the hanging strap and tag also came off. I decided to ignore the tag, but it turned out I shouldn't. Then I dumped the balls into a plastic container.

I got smarter with the second one and I opened it along the bottom which allowed me to not have to deal with the tag and hanger and also made it much easier to pour out the beads!

Then I was left with two empty sacs and two plastic containers of balls.

Notice the different color of the balls, this will be significant later.

Next step was to refill the lavender one with the sweet pea vanilla balls. This was hard.

First attempt was with a piece of paper as a funnel. This didn't work as the paper would collapse or it fell our of the hole in the bag. Or both.

Second attempt was a straw. This would work, but would take absolutely forever. I then thought to use the paper with the straw down it to keep the whole open. While this didn't actually work, it did inspire the final solution that worked:

File folder funnel!

I ignored the other one and just set off to sew the one I was taking to her office then. I opted to sew the hanger back on but leave out the tag under the theory of who cares. Here's what it looked like:

Set off to her office and placed in position.

Notice the color is different from the original:

I walked back to Hua-yu's office with her after lunch because I needed to borrow a cord and she immediately noticed the different smell. She started looking for it, but couldn't find anything. This included looking at the scent pak, but my work passed initial inspection.

Only upon a repeat inspection of everything based on the guilt on my face did she notice the color was wrong. But she convinced herself it had always been that color.

Another two or so rounds of looking through everything and she noticed my stitch job and then commented that it didn't smell right.

She came and got her original lavender one and I also gave her the one with lavender on the inside, but sweet pea packaging:

She seemed to really think I should switch the balls back, but that was NOT happening!

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Hua-yu's response to day 19

Yup, that's my ceiling. And nope. I didn't notice on my own.

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Day #20 - Color Switch

I was out of the office Thursday (watching all eight Harry Potter movies in a theater because we may be crazy) and then Helper Elf Number one got sick, so Hua-yu had nothing happen that day.

Friday, HEN 2 picked up the slack and attacked early. And she took pictures!


You see lovely colored pens.


She switched the ink barrels in the pens. The example shown is green ink in a maroon pen.

Despite using them all morning, including marking up a long report, Hua-yu didn't notice until the afternoon AFTER a question of whether she'd noticed the day's yet!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day #19 - Ruler Roulette

I found myself at the office well before eight and noticed my metal ruler on my desk. This prompted me to remember that Hua-yu had bothered my other ruler a month or so ago. So, I took my ruler in hand and headed down the hall to do something with rulers.

I got there and at first didn't see any rulers. I hadn't checked the schedule, so I didn't realize Hua-yu was in late that morning and so I was feeling pressure that she might show up. Then, I spotted the ruler I had lent her:

Notice that this ruler is a thing of beauty. Now you're impressed I lent it to her, aren't ya?

I swapped the metal one out for the same location.

Then I looked around because I knew she had other rulers because she was using mine as a third when she borrowed it. I found the other two and so I took them for good measure.

I decided that scattering things around had worked well before, so I set off to drop the first ruler in Helper Elf Number three's office. While I was in the process of taking a picture of it on her desk, she walked in and after recovering from the startle my presence in her dark office gave her insisted that we step up the game slightly and not just leave the rulers lying on desks. So all three rulers were taped at different offices:

It was late afternoon when she noticed the metal ruler and then pretty quickly realized all her rulers were missing. She found them all, but the downside is I'm out my metal ruler!

Day 18 - #1's Story

I should transcribe this, but I'm going to be out and busy for the next couple days, so here's the audio of day 18.  My almost four-year-old had a doctors appointment in the late afternoon and I brought him in afterwords and we stopped by hua-yu's office. I recorded the conversation that followed when he asked Hua-yu what happened to number one since her fish is named number two.

Ok, I can't seem to get it out of my phone or converted to something that will go into blogger.  I can't even get a converter to make it into mp3 to use an embed code.  I stuck it up at and I was able to get a player embedded, but it plays nothing. 

I'll try again on a mac hopefully.

"what happened to the number one fish"
"what happened to my number one fish... he... what am I supposed to say.. he disappeared"
"how did he disappear"
"what am I supposed to say to that... it was... uh... I don't know what to say to that... do you want to see the number two fish?"
"that's the number two fish"
"where's the number one fish?"
"he went away"
"how did he went away?"
"he went in the plumbing"
"what does plumbing mean"
"it's how we.. how me.. remove the water.. or you know, the water, that we use"
"umm.. where did he went?"
"basically, he went down the plumbing that goes into the sewage"
.... laughing....

"there is no number three yet, because we still have number two... if something happens to number two then we'll get number three, but we don't want anything to happen to number two... we want to keep him around"

It's better wtih the young voice, but maybe I'll figure it out..

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 17 - Picture Flip


Hua-yu was late to work, so I was able to rearrange pictures in a frame quickly when I went to go check on twofer.

Later in the day I stopped by and mentioned that I had already completed today's.  She was able to figure it out after looking around the room for about fifteen minutes.

Note: study how something is assembled before starting a task.  The alignment of the photos was hard!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Hua-yu's response to Day 14

Hua-yu supplied me with pictures of her feet as a response to day 14:

She has talented big toes, doesn't she?

Day 16 - Fish Friday

Fish Friday resulted in the introduction of a new guy into Hua-yu's life, Twoie or Twofer.

He's a dragon scale betta whose real name is Number Two.

He's comfortably moved into Hua-yu's office and they are getting along smashingly:

His bowl is still half-filled with the water he came in which is oddly full of dye, so hopefully we can get a better picture of this young man next week.  Assuming he is still with us ;-)

Day 15 - The Catification of Hua-yu's Office

The mastermind of Hua-yu's first day back was Helper Elf Number Four.  While she actually was out Wednesday (when we set up for Hua-yu's first day back on Thursday), she had left everything, so we just had to put it in place.  Thus, the catification of Hua-yu's office.



Hua-yu was so exceited, she even took her own pictures when she came in at seven the next morning that she posted to facebook.

The catification of Hua-yu's office.