Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 27 - Morning Desk Greeting

This morning found me sitting under Hua-yu's desk for about five minutes. I was hoping she would come in during the time it took me to eat a cupcake (thank you HEN 1) and read some emails and I was in luck!

I actually purposefully set out to not scare her, or at least scare her as little as possible, so when she came in, I simply stuck my head out and softly said, "hi" when she turned the corner to her desk. Still resulted in her screaming at top volume and spilling part of a glass of water!

She took a picture of me then:

And of some of the water:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I think this might be my fav day so far! Something about the water spilling....you know you got her :)
