Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 18 - #1's Story

I should transcribe this, but I'm going to be out and busy for the next couple days, so here's the audio of day 18.  My almost four-year-old had a doctors appointment in the late afternoon and I brought him in afterwords and we stopped by hua-yu's office. I recorded the conversation that followed when he asked Hua-yu what happened to number one since her fish is named number two.

Ok, I can't seem to get it out of my phone or converted to something that will go into blogger.  I can't even get a converter to make it into mp3 to use an embed code.  I stuck it up at and I was able to get a player embedded, but it plays nothing. 

I'll try again on a mac hopefully.

"what happened to the number one fish"
"what happened to my number one fish... he... what am I supposed to say.. he disappeared"
"how did he disappear"
"what am I supposed to say to that... it was... uh... I don't know what to say to that... do you want to see the number two fish?"
"that's the number two fish"
"where's the number one fish?"
"he went away"
"how did he went away?"
"he went in the plumbing"
"what does plumbing mean"
"it's how we.. how me.. remove the water.. or you know, the water, that we use"
"umm.. where did he went?"
"basically, he went down the plumbing that goes into the sewage"
.... laughing....

"there is no number three yet, because we still have number two... if something happens to number two then we'll get number three, but we don't want anything to happen to number two... we want to keep him around"

It's better wtih the young voice, but maybe I'll figure it out..

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